In this lesson, we’ll explore how you can incorporate fingerstyle techniques into your everyday playing.

Besides, who wants to have to search for a pick every time you pick up the guitar?

Fingerstyle can be easy, fun, and convenient!

Topics covered in this lesson include…

  • How fingerstyle tone differs from the use of a pick
  • How fingerpicking separated strings differs from standard hybrid picking when using a pick
  • How some songs, like Dust In The Wind, can’t be performed properly without fingerpicking
  • How to perform easy “everyday” fingerstyle

I’ll give you three examples/exercises to play along with, too.

Watch The Lesson Video

Try The Examples

Watch the video above to learn how to play each example/exercise.

Example 1

fingerstyl 1

Example 2

fingerstyle 2

Example 3

fingerstyle 3


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